Colorno hosted a journey from surface to depths

In the sun-drenched days of late summer, “NEL BLU – Surface to the Depths” captivated the hearts of Colorno (Italy)...

Novi Sad hosted the first artistic experience

In the radiant ambiance of a three-week artistic exploration, “Mirror of Novi Sad” cast its luminous spell upon the historic...

Ílhavo hosted the artistic laboratory #2

From 30 November to 2 December 2023, the city of Ílhavo (Portugal) hosted the BETA CIRCUS participants for the second...

Rigas Cirks hosted the artistic laboratory #1

From 16 to 18 August, Rīgas cirks hosted the BETA CIRCUS participants for the first artistic laboratory of the participatory...

BETA CIRCUS artists are now selected

BETA CIRCUS Participatory experience is a European cooperation project that aims to create a transnational opportunity to explore the participatory...

Participatory experience open calls for artists

BETA CIRCUS Participatory experience is an action that aims to create an European transnational opportunity to explore the participatory circus...

BETA CIRCUS launches the participatory experience

BETA CIRCUS consortium will promote a new cicle of activities aiming to address new trends in contemporary circus and to...

BETA CIRCUS publication available

The Beta Circus project was put together by four partner organisations – Bússola in Portugal, Teatro Necessario in Italy, Ludifico...

#TRY: Final performing exercise shows the future of European magic

Facing the mission to boost European trends and artists in circus arts, BETA CIRCUS aims to address new paths in...

BETA CIRCUS Baltic open call available until 6 February 2022