BETA CIRCUS Italian open call available until 4 October 2021
Selection of 6 Italian participants for the Italian session of BETA CIRCUS, the international capacity building european programme dedicated to new trends in the circus arts, with a focus on new magic.
BETA CIRCUS aims to promote new trends and circus arts, providing a differentiated group of participants opportunities to upgrade their knowledge and practice in the specific field of new magic. The activities include 4 main axes during the project timetable:
#1 TRAIN: Training weeks, including workshops, mentoring sessions and talks;
#2 FEEL: Performances open to all audiences;
#3 TALK: Conferences and seminars targeting a professional audience;
#4 TRY: Final public exercise presented by the group of international participants.
The current open call expects to select the 6 Italian participants to attend the Italian session scheduled for 21 to 26 November 2021.
Selected participants will attend without costs the full capacity building programme of BETA CIRCUS, as indicated in point 3. In addition, participants will benefit from an international visibility and network provided by the project partners and communication, creating opportunities for their careers.
BETA CIRCUS training is open for participants with a broad background in the artistic fields [magic, illusionism, circus, dance, theatre, visual arts, scenography, and others]. No age limit is defined, however the participants should demonstrate a strong motivation to develop something new or innovative in their artistic careers. Applications will be accepted from Italian citizens and official residents in Italy.BETA CIRCUS expects to select a distinguished group with 6 differentiated profiles responding to the criteria of emerging in the field of arts, including turning-points and motivations to change careers in the definition of “emerging”. The participants will be selected based on their education and professional background, balanced with the motivations to participate in the project and learn new skills. The selection will focus on diversity of backgrounds and the motivations of the applicants, looking also for the specificities of an international project based on mobility, where the ability to work in big international teams should be a mandatory requirement.
The deadline for application is 4th October 2021 [23h59]. Applications submited after the deadline will not be included for evaluation.