BETA CIRCUS Participatory experience
Online workshop #3
14 February 2024
10:30 CET
Participatory arts and circus.
Visions, perspectives and methodologies.
Marleen Scholten
Deadline for registration is 7 February 2024 or when maximum capacity is reached [20 participants].
The workshop have free access, registration is mandatory.
BETA CIRCUS Participatory experience is a cooperation project that aims to create an European transnational opportunity to explore the participatory circus as a future trend to engage the public participation in the circus creative process, letting the audience to become co-authors, editors, and observers of the artistic work. Applying the participatory arts methodology to the contemporary circus scene will promote the engaging of the local community of the intervention place with a full and integrated creation process applied to unconventional spaces for artistic presentation, including the public space, connecting contemporary arts to the immaterial local cultural heritage by the voice of the inhabitants as co-creators with professional artists.
Providing a better European dissemination of the key-values of the project, the expert mentors will guide online workshops (2 hours each) during the Winter 2024, with free access to performing arts professional, diving in their experiences of participatory arts methodology, questioning the definition and anticipating how circus arts can benefit from the effective relation with participatory arts.
For any questions related to registrations please contact
Marleen Scholten is actress and co-founder of the Dutch collective Wunderbaum. She is graduated as actress in 2001 and since then she created more than 50 performances, national and international, together with the company. They made different projects in Europe, created, and presented in Los Angeles, New York, Teheran, Rio de Janeiro, Toronto. They write their own text, are their own directors and perform themselves. Starting from political, social themes, they always try to create a community with every performance, involving people from different backgrounds. Architects, homeless, choir singers, judges, innovators, writers. Apart from the performances with the collective, Scholten creates her own work as actress/director. She moved to Italy 6 years ago. She created Who is the real italian?, The national song, La codista and Il disperato. These works have been presented at RomaEuropa festival, mare culturale urbano and Triennale Teatro in Milan, in Germany and The Netherlands. Together with African refugees and Italian teenagers she made a clown’s project in Carrara, invited by Casa Betania, an organization for refugees in Italy. In 2017 she was asked by Tramedautore festival and the Piccolo Teatro di Milano to give a masterclass to young actors. They worked around sexuality in times of social media and used as inspiration the documentary film ‘Comizi d’amore’ of Pier Paolo Pasolini. Actors collective Wunderbaum has its base in Rotterdam and from 2018-2022 they ran collectively the artistic direction of Theaterhaus Jena in Germany. Wunderbaum has won The Proscenium Award for most impressive theatre (Amsterdam), The Mary Dresselhuys Award for the best show of the year (Rotterdam), The Total Theatre Award (Edinburgh), they were nominated for Most outstanding international piece (Toronto). For La codista Marleen won the national playwriter’s price Premio Nazionale Drammaturgico “Antonio Conti” and it has been selected at the Dutch Theaterfestival as one of the best performances of the year 2022.